2019 XTERRA World Championship Triathlon

The world’s premier off-road triathlon, combining a 1.5-kilometer (1-mile) swim that starts at D.T. Fleming Beach in front of the Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua, a 32-kilometer (20-miles) mountain bike that climbs 3,500 feet up and down the lower slopes of the West Maui Mountains, and a 10.5-kilometer (6.5-miles) trail run that traverses forest trails, and beach sand. A capacity field of 800 athletes from 28 countries and 42 U.S. states including professionals and amateurs enter this event. The XTERRA World Championship race is the last in a series of nearly 100 off-road triathlon races held in 16 countries and 30+ U.S. States. The concept is to provide a bona-fide off-road world championship for amateur and pro athletes. For pros there is $105,000 in prize money at stake. Amateurs race for the title of XTERRA World Champion. For more information visit www.xterraplanet.com.
The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua
1 Ritz-Carlton
Lahaina, Hawaii 96761